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Our organization is comprised of concerned Montezuma and Dolores County volunteers who want to make a difference for individuals who are dealing with cancer. Our group was formed as the Women’s Cancer Coalition in 2003 and started with a mission to help local women with costs associated with screenings and treatment for breast and reproductive cancers. With recent fundraising, the organization has been able to expand services to all residents-- men, women, and children with cancer diagnoses.  Since inception our group has provided assistance for hundreds of individuals.

 Our continuing mission is to serve Montezuma and Dolores County individuals with education about cancer, to provide free breast and reproductive cancer screening through our providers, and to provide funds to residents in these counties who are in cancer treatment.


The mission of the Cancer Resource Alliance is to serve Montezuma and Dolores County residents with education about cancer, to provide assistance with breast and reproductive cancer screening through our providers, and to provide funds to residents in these counties who are in cancer treatment.


The core of our organization is to provide funds that help Montezuma and Dolores county residents with the costs of cancer. Funds are available with the completion of an application and a doctor's statement of diagnosis. These funds are available for both medical and non-medical expenses (i.e. deductibles, copays, living expenses, travel expenses, etc.) that are related to the individual's cancer diagnosis.  


The funding of our organization comes from our generous local community through donations and fundraisers that are put together throughout the year. The Cancer Resource Alliance is a 501(c)3 organization, and any donation made is tax deductible. 

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